Friday, March 20, 2020

Bring Chemistry Lab Games To Life With Fun and Entertaining Gameplays

Bring Chemistry Lab Games To Life With Fun and Entertaining GameplaysChemistry lab games have become very popular these days. But, why do we have such a fascination with them? When you are in school, you may not be aware of this fact but the students will love to play such a fun game in their Chemistry Lab. They just need to buy the required materials to play these games and they can get involved with their curiosity and interest.You might not think that your kids would get interested in playing these games in their Chemistry Lab. However, it is true that they do. These games are not just for the younger children because most of the students are into this game and will spend hours in the lab. Their homework time is all spent on making the experiments happen, and the game is very much like that.You might be wondering, how do you know that these games are so interesting and entertaining. The answer is simple. Kids just love to play such games which shows that they are very much into th eir homework, and they love to play the game as well.So if you give them enough time and you have set aside for a long period of time, you can just watch and observe how they play these games. They will need a lot of concentration to complete the lab work, and you can surely see that they will take some time to settle down and study everything. The results they will get after doing the experiment are just spectacular.The next question is what type of game will you play for them? Well, if you want them to play something that you will like, then you can have them play a game that has something to do with their interest. Maybe it can be the usual color-matching game or a Lego matching game where you need to figure out which one is Lego color yellow and which one is Lego color blue.And if you would like them to play something more exciting and entertaining, then you can have them play a game that would be challenging and you can have them do the experiments quickly. Also, you can have t hem go from the container that they are sitting in, to the container that they are going to use in the experiment. This is one of the most difficult and interesting tasks to do, and you can certainly see that they would be very interested in doing this.As you can see, these are the best things that you can give to your kids when you are getting them to play in their Chemistry Lab. You can have them play a game that you will have fun with and they will learn more from it. And the better they learn the more they will love playing these games and how much of an interest they will have in these games.

Friday, March 6, 2020

College Tutoring Services in Orange County

College Tutoring Services in Orange CountyThere are quite a few colleges and universities that offer tutoring services in Orange County. Many of these universities hire individuals with the knowledge and expertise to assist students with all kinds of academic problems. There are many colleges that offer tutoring services in Orange County that you can take advantage of.The first step is to find out the school's tutoring service. Here, you can choose to enroll in one of the tutoring centers that are located in the area. You will be able to get the personal attention and guidance that you need from a tutor who can quickly advise you on the best way to meet your academic goals.One of the ways that the college tutoring services in Orange County can help you learn is by offering online tutoring. Online tutoring can be a great way to help you achieve your dreams. Once you become a part of an online tutoring program, you can find support anytime and anywhere that you choose. You can also dis cuss your academic problems with a tutor at your convenience.Tutoring at the college is ideal for those who have job responsibilities or even those who need extra hands. Those that need extra assistance with their studies will find that they will receive the extra help that they need when they participate in tutoring at the college. Most colleges and universities offer these tutoring services for free, but if you need more assistance, you can ask your college for a fee waiver or some kind of discount.It is important that you ask about any fees that you may be required to pay when you are enrolled in college tutoring. Many times, these fees will come out of your own pocket. This can work out very well in the long run.Tutoringin Orange County is a great way to meet others who share the same goals as you. Being able to share your successes and challenges will help you in your efforts to obtain your dream college degree. You will be able to communicate with others who are on the same jo urney as you are. You will also find that you will have more friends and have more opportunities to meet people who will be able to help you achieve your goals.You should also be able to look into the student to student tutoring that is offered online. The online tutoring service that you will be able to use to help you will also be available on your mobile device. By taking advantage of this opportunity, you will be able to take the tutoring experience with you wherever you go.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What to Know About the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry

What to Know About the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry When applying to college, taking an SAT subject test is a great way to showcase your interest and skill in a specific subject area. The College Board, which administers the SAT and SAT subject tests, currently offers 20 subject tests to students. The SAT Subject Test in Chemistry allows students to demonstrate their subject-specific knowledge and to test out of prerequisite class requirements. Things to understand about the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry include the format of the exam, the best time to take the test, and specific prep strategies. Looking to enhance your college applications and showcase your chemistry knowledge? Keep reading to learn what to know about the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry. SAT Subject Test in Chemistry basics The SAT Subject Test in Chemistry is offered in May, June, August, October, November, and December. Youll be given 60 minutes to complete the exam, which consists of 85 multiple-choice questions. The subject test prompts you to use your knowledge of chemistry and requires several specific skills, including: Analyzing data and drawing conclusions Recalling fundamental chemistry concepts and vocabulary Youll receive a periodic table to utilize on the exam, but the use of a calculator is not allowed. Your score will range from 200 (lowest) to 800 (highest). [RELATED: 3 Tactics for Summer SAT Subject Test Prep] When to take the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry AP Chemistry students may be especially prepared for this exam, as a college-preparatory course in chemistry is recommended. If youre taking AP Chemistry or another advanced chemistry course, schedule your subject test in chemistry near the end of the class or in the months following the completion of your course. You may also want to sign up for the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry if youre simply very interested in chemistry. If you think you might want to major in chemistry in college, for example, you may want to show your interest by sitting for the subject test. Colleges may view this as a step forward in your academic career, especially if youve taken other courses or have additional high school achievements in chemistry. [RELATED: Should I Take SAT Subject Tests?] How to practice for the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry A great tool for subject test prep is the humble practice exam. SAT Subject Test in Chemistry practice tests can help you pinpoint specific areas where you need to place a heavier focus or streamline your time management skills. If there are certain concepts you continue to struggle with, meet with your chemistry teacher during office hours to develop personalized study strategies. Another study tactic may include forming a study group with other classmates who are also planning to sit for this subject test. You may also want to consider utilizing an SAT Subject Test in Chemistry tutor who can offer individualized instruction by helping you identify and improve in areas where youre struggling. [RELATED: How to Succeed on SAT Subject Tests] The SAT Subject Test in Chemistry is a great way to showcase your interest and talent in chemistry to colleges. If you do well, the exam may even help you test out of some prerequisite classes. If you choose to take the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry, be sure to spend an adequate amount of time studying. Set aside time every day to preparewhether its alone with your book, online, or with a study group or tutor. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Understanding moving the decimal

Understanding moving the decimal The decimal number representation is one of the basic and important representations in mathematics. A decimal number is placing in decimal point between the digits. The decimal place can be moved according to different mathematical operation. The decimal number when multiplied by number having zeroes the decimal point moves to the right according to the number of zeroes. The decimal number when divided by number having zeroes the decimal point moves to the left according to the number of zeroes. Example 1: Terry baked 100 cookies for a bake sale and sold them all for a price of $ 1.15 each. How much money did she make? Solution: Number of cookies Terry baked = 100. Price of each cookie = $ 1.15. Amount of money Terry earned in the bake sale = 100 x 1.15 = 115. (Here 100 has 2 zeroes so the decimal point can shit 2 places right in 1.15) Total amount of money Terry made = $ 115. Question: Multiple choice question (Pick the correct option.) What is the answer for the division of 456 100? a) 456.0 b) 45.6 c) 4.56 d) None of these. Correct answer: option c. Explanation: Here the division 456 100 = 456/100. The number 456 is equal to 456.0 (A whole number has decimal point at the end of the digits.) The number 100 has two zeroes so the decimal number moves 2 places to the left. This gives, 456/100 = 4.56 Hence, the answer for the division = 4.56.

British Actors Kate Winslet

British Actors Kate Winslet The Lady of the Titanic: Kate Winslet ChaptersKate Winslet: the Road to TitanicKate Winslet’s Move to the Big ScreenTitanic: Kate Winslet’s Iconic RoleKate Winslet: Away from StardomThe Two Thousands for Kate WinsletRecent Films With Kate WinsletTwenty years after her role in the blockbuster Titanic, renowned British actress Kate Winslet still knows how to steal our hearts. But how did she land the part and what has she done since? in 2005, a musical comedy where she sang and danced.All the King’s Men, starring Sean Penn and Jude Law, plays in Louisiana in the 1940s.Little Children, based on the novel by Tom Perrotta, in which she plays Sarah Pierce, a housewife who starts an affair with her neighbour. She received her fifth Oscar nomination and won in the category Best Actress.2008: Revolutionary Road and The ReaderKate Winslet had read Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates and recommended an adaptation to her then-husband, Sam Mendes. She reunited with her old co-star DiCaprio as a 1950s couple in suburban America. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio were both praised for their performance. Winslet won a Golden Globe for her role.After turning down The Reader, a film about an illiterate concentration camp guard who has an affair with a teenager she brings in to read to her, her replacement Nicole Kidman became pregnant and Winslet got the role after all. The film was quite controversial, as having a Nazi in the main role offended many. She won yet another Golden Globe, an Academy Award and the BAFTA award for Best Actress.The ReturnAfter a two-year hiatus to escape media attention and focus more on her children, she came back to acting in 2011 as overprotective mother Mildred Pierce, a hardworking Depression-era woman trying to survive without her husband and earning her spoiled daughter’s respect, in the eponymous HBO mini-series. This earned her yet another Golden Globe as well as an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress and a SAG award.Kate Winslet in her role as Mildred Pierce in the H BO series. Photo credit: CasualCapture on Visual huntYet another Golden Globe nomination was for Carnage in 2011, where she starred next to Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly and Christoph Waltz.The Return: Take TwoAfter another hiatus, she starred in Labor Day, a film about a single mother who falls for an escaped convict. In the 2014 sci-fi movie Divergent, an adaptation of a Young Adult dystopian novel, she took a leaf out of actor Gary Oldman's book and plays a villain as the head of an authoritarian regime. Despite lukewarm reviews, she returned for the sequel Insurgent.In 2015, she took on the starring role in the Australian film The Dressmaker, as a seamstress accused of murder who returns to her hometown years later. She won an  AACTA Award for Best Actress.Another project to come out in 2015 was a biopic on Steve Jobs with Michael Fassbender in the title role. She played Joanna Hoffman, marketing chief of Apple. She won yet another Golden Globe and BAFTA award for Best Supporting Actress and was nominated for the Academy Awards for the seventh time.One of Kate Winslet's newer roles in The Mountain Between Us. Photo credit: Bluedreamer2011 on VisualHuntRecent films include Triple 9 (2016), Collateral Beauty (2016, alongside Will Smith), The Mountain Between Us and Wonder Wheel in 2017.Kate Winslet was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2012.Find acting classes with a personal coach on SuperprofActing classes LondonActing classes LeedsActing classes Glasgow

5 Excellent Sight Reading Exercises for Singers

5 Excellent Sight Reading Exercises for Singers Megan L. Unless youre a career-chorister, the concept of sight reading music is probably going to at best make you slightly nervous, and at worst paralyze you with fright. However, at some point, probably when you join a choir or perhaps go to an audition, youre going to have to face that hurdle. Sight reading comes easier to some singers than others, but its not some mythical task akin to retrieving a golden fleece; sight-reading, even for the more able, is a learned skill, and there are several sight reading exercises you can practice to improve. Here are five sight reading exercises that will make a difference and help calm your fears: Familiarity Pick an octave that comfortably covers the middle of your voice. Sit down at a piano and play up and down that octave; as a major scale, harmonic and melodic minor scale, and as a chromatic scale. Listen carefully to each of the notes, and fix them in your mind and your ear. Next, play intervals to yourself within that octave and memorize the sound of the interval. The final stage a friend will be useful here is to play the home note, and then sing back a specific interval. Check your work thoroughly, as this sight reading exercise has as much to do with memory as anything else! Ear and Eye Once your ear has established what those intervals sound like, train your eye to recognize them on paper, as youre going to struggle in any sight reading exercises if you cant translate that knowledge from ear to page. Be aware that intervals dont always look how you might expect on paper, so use this as an opportunity to improve your general music reading skills as well. How Do You Eat an Elephant? The answer should always be a forkful at a time! It may feel overwhelming to be faced with a whole page of tricky music during sight reading exercises, but dealing with it one bar at a time will make it seem much less scary. If the whole page fills you with panic, put the brakes on for a moment and just deal with small sections at a time. Map Reading Think of a piece of music like a roadmap. Take careful note of key and time signatures, and pinpoint interesting landmarks like accidentals or key changes. Look ahead, and fix rest spots, i.e. half or whole notes where you can take stock and plan your strategy for the rest of the piece.  Dont be afraid of sight reading new pieces a little under tempo better to do this and keep going than practice with an error that you cant shake. Self-sufficiency Rules Nothing will give you greater confidence as a singer and a musician than being able to prepare your music yourself, and to know that youve prepared it accurately. There are many singers out there even working within the classical industry at the very highest level that cant read music, and need a voice coach to teach them every single note.  Being able to read songs as easily as you would a newspaper is a valuable skill that will carry you far. Now that you have all these tools to make you a confident and capable singer, there is one final, important thing to bear in mind over and above any exercise or other preparation rule: Without a well-trained, properly-produced instrument, all of your work will be pointless. Finding a good voice teacher is essential to take you beyond being a talented, untrained amateur singer with natural ability. Since we cant hear our own voices accurately, its important to find a good teacher to help you identify and correct bad habits as they happen, and show you the right exercises to practice to improve your skills. Good luck with your singing, and dont forget to have fun! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by Dave

5 Tactics to Encourage Academic Confidence in Your Middle Schooler

5 Tactics to Encourage Academic Confidence in Your Middle Schooler The middle school years can be full of challenges for students. With a plethora of new academic and personal responsibilities, it can become difficult for students to remain confident in their ability to succeed. To promote academic confidence in your child, encourage your middle schooler to set manageable goals and to create a schedule so that they can feel in charge of their education. Looking to offer your student extra support this semester? Keep reading to learn five tactics to encourage academic confidence in your middle schooler. 1. Encourage academic confidence in your middle schooler by noting effort, not just correct answers One beneficial technique is to acknowledge the effort your student puts forth in their education. For example, if youre working on a difficult homework problem with your child, offer positive reinforcement throughout the process. Focus your comments specifically on your childs attempts, questions, and engagement with the material. Avoid only offering praise when your child arrives at the right answer because this can teach students to value correct answers only, rather than the learning process as a whole. [RELATED: How Parents Can Help Students Setand AchieveAcademic Goals] 2. Encourage academic confidence in your middle schooler by promoting journaling To develop your childs confidence, encourage them to keep a journal. This can help them articulate their academic strengths and reflect on themselves as learners. The journal can be as creative and open as your child wishes. Options for journal prompts can include: A gratitude list, focused on anything school- or academic-related A list of accomplishments, both big and small A reflection on what your child did to help themselves reach a goal, including resources they used, steps they took to success, and ways that they revised or revisited previous strategies [RELATED: 3 Ways Students Can Benefit from Journaling] 3. Encourage academic confidence in your middle schooler by making connections to extracurricular interests and real-life scenarios Extracurricular interests can also act as motivators for students. Identify your students interests, and research ways these interests can benefit them academically. If your child is interested in comics, for example, encourage them to create comic books and graphic novels. If your child likes skateboarding, encourage them to read about it, learn about its history, and start a related DIY project that develops STEM skills. Another great strategy to develop your childs confidence is to find real-world connectionswhether thats helping your child imagine how they might use the skills in the future, finding a place to volunteer in your community thats related to one of their favorite subjects, or attending an event in the community. 4. Encourage academic confidence in your middle schooler by setting manageable goals Middle schoolers often havent yet developed the habit of breaking down large tasks into smaller ones. Discuss with your child how beneficial creating lists of goals can be in promoting success. Work together on how to break down a big project, encouraging them to return to and revise tasks, as well as being sure to celebrate completed goals. 5. Encourage academic confidence in your middle schooler by establishing a schedule Advise your child on how to make a schedule of responsibilities. This can be a project-based schedule, where your child assigns a task to each day or week. Alternately, it can simply be a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule that incorporates time spent on academics, social, and extracurricular activities. The schedule is not meant to feel strictrather, encourage your child to revise their schedule if something comes up or if they find that something else works better for them. [RELATED: 4 Questions to Ask Your Child About School] The main thing about encouraging academic confidence is to give your middle schooler some helpful, concrete strategies that they can apply to their own lives, and to encourage them to learn what works best for them. Doing this will help develop your middle schoolers agency over their own learning and boost their academic confidence. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Career Coaching in Manchester

Career Coaching in Manchester Finding the Right Career Coach in Manchester ChaptersWhen Should You Get Career Coaching in Manchester?Choosing the Right Career Coach in ManchesterCareer Coaching Agencies in ManchesterFinding a Career Coach in ManchesterThe Cost of Career Coaching in Manchester“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter DruckerSo how do you do it?A lot of students aren’t necessarily happy with the decisions they made concerning their education.So when and how can you change careers?To make things clearer, whatever your goals are, a career coach can help. Whether you’re looking for career coaching in a business or individual career coaching, changing careers, learning some transferable skills, there’s no lack of coaches in Manchester.Are you wanting to change career? Looking for jobs? Wanting a new job or career path?Then you might want to consider getting help from a career coach to change your career. In this article, we're going to look at when you should consider getting a career coach, how to choose the right o ne, how career coaching agencies can help, how much you can expect to pay, and how you go about finding them once you know what you want. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhen Should You Get Career Coaching in Manchester?Career coaching can help anyone’s career. They’ll be able to evaluate your situation and help you transition to another career, if necessary.Get personal development training today.Looking for a change of career? (Source: Pexels)Career coaching can also help you learn new skills and get ahead in your professional life. More and more people are choosing to get in touch with career coaches to achieve their goals.Whatever your professional situation, you can get in touch with a coach. You don’t need to be part of a business to get in touch with career coaches, though. If you’re self-employed or unemployed, a career coach can help you find work.You can also do practise tests or interviews and your career coach can help you get your dream job.Career coaches are also often called into businesses. In this case, your bosses will suggest career coaching and pay the coach’s fees. Coaches can either teach individuals within a business or the whole workforce in order to improve teamwork or synergy.As a boss, you could also get in touch with a career coach to help you man age your time, improve your public speaking, etc. This could help you significantly at work and secure your role in the business.Career coaches can also help those looking to change careers. They’ll do an appraisal of your skills and goals in order to set achievable objectives. Then they can help you find the career for you.If you’re a student, don’t hesitate to get a career coach to help you with planning for exams. While many may be beyond the budget of students, you may be able to find an affordable one to help you.Whether it’s career development, self-confidence, getting a degree, evaluating your career, professional development, communication skills, time management, avoiding burnout, getting a qualification, academic orientation, there are plenty of worthwhile reasons for getting a career coach in Manchester.There’s also career coaching in London!Choosing the Right Career Coach in ManchesterThe number of career coaches is growing. More and more people are training to become career coaches, life coaches, or personal coaches.Your career coach will probably have plenty of questions for you. (Source: rawpixel)But how do you find the right one for you?Whether you find them online, through classified ads, or another way, you should establish the criteria for choosing the right one. Don’t forget to ask for an interview with one of them.Start by asking them about their experience. Their previous experience will play a huge part in how they’re able to help people. If your coach has spent several years working in a given business, they’ll have a better understanding of how it works.  Each coach is different and each can help different people in different ways.Pay attention to what professional experience each potential career coach has. You’ll also have a better idea of what you can talk about.  Not every career coach will be professionally trained in the discipline, but this doesn’t mean they’re incompetent. A lot of them will have a wealth of experience in managing teams, for example.This experience is often more valuable than any qualification.  However, some coaches will have done special training. This is definitely a plus.Above all, your coach needs to remain discreet. There needs to be a level of confidentiality between you and your coach, especially if you’re getting coaching within a business. Anything you say needs to stay between you.To find the ideal coach, take the time to get to know them during an interview. Your choice should be made according to your needs.Skills assessments? Leading meetings? Teamwork?Many coaches specialise in different skills.You can also get career coaching in Birmingham. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.0 0 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCareer Coaching Agencies in ManchesterThere are a number of companies offering career coaching to those in Manchester and the northwest.Career coaching can help you advance. (Source: rawpixel)Whether it’s breathing exercises for managing stress, public speaking, conducting meetings, retraining, personality tests, building self-confidence, supervising projects, personal development, or leadership, take your time and work towards your career goals.  Most career coaching agencies will offer help in the following areas:A job searchStarting a new career or changing careerNetworkingWriti ng a cover letter and creating a CVCareer assessmentInterviewingLearning transferable skillsStarting your own businessPreparing for a job interviewThere are a number of companies that specialise in this kind of education, be it appraisals, individual coaching sessions, a career change, recruitment, training, etc.There’s also career coaching in Leeds and Yorkshire.Finding a Career Coach in ManchesterIn addition to specialised agencies, there are career coaches working independently. These coaches will probably advertise using their own websites, classified ads, etc.Manchester is a big enough city to find career coaching. (Source: 2taol)It can be a little harder trusting an independent career coach, but it can come with a number of advantages.Private career coaching sessions should be tailored to you and its up to you and your coach to decide on what works best. While your coach will suggest things, you should have the final say.Private career coaching sessions can be used to help d ecide which career coach works for you, especially on the Superprof platform. Each coach has their own profile which explains what they offer and how much they charge. You can also find out more about their professional experience.  You’ll be spoilt for choice.In addition to online platforms, you can also find career coaching through classified ads or word of mouth. The latter means that you should be able to find out a bit about them before you hire them.As one of the biggest cities in the UK, it’s no surprise that there are plenty of options for those looking for career coaching in Manchester.The Cost of Career Coaching in ManchesterNot everyone can afford career coaching. Make sure you’ve chosen the right coach before you start paying them.  However, if you’re part of a business, the business itself may pay for your career coaching. Of course, they’ll probably only do this if your goal is to make your way up the ladder in their business.In this case, it’ll be the busi ness who chooses the career coach and pays for them. However, this doesn’t mean your career coach is there to tell management everything you say. Even if your career coach is hired by your company, they need to respect a code of ethics.While the cost of a session from a career coaching agency can be quite expensive, the average cost of private career coaching on Superprof is £31 per hour. Additionally, the first hour is usually offered for free as a taster session or a way to get to know one another, outline goals, and establish the professional relationship that you'll have.Whatever you choose, make sure it’s the right choice for you and your career. A career transition needn't be stressful. A career coach will work with your strengths and weaknesses and ensure that you get a job that you have a passion for and, ideally, with a better salary, too!If you're interested in offering career coaching, you can always set up a profile on Superprof. By creating a profile, you can expla in the services you offer, highlight your experience and qualifications, set your rate, and start finding clients. By offering a quality service, your profile will soon be full of glowing reviews, which will help potential students or clients to find you more easily. Remember that they're after a bespoke service and not a one-size-fits-all solution for their careers!You can also get career coaching in Glasgow.